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Mayors say Rauner budget plan is devastating

Gov. Bruce Rauner is discovering that any plan to cut state spending by more than $1 billion is going to generate massive political opposition, not only among the disenfranchised who depend on social programs but among powerful who can influence state lawmakers.

On Monday, mayors from through the state, including three from the Southland, testified before a joint Senate Appropriations Committee hearing in Chicago that Rauner’s proposal to cut by 50 percent the portion of income tax revenue the state sends to municipalities is going to do serious harm to local budgets.

“It would be devastating,” Richton Park Mayor Rick Reinbold told me during a telephone call describing his testimony before the committee. “It would cripple municipalities’ abilities to provide public safety services to our communities…” Please click here to read Phil Kadner’s story in the Daily Southtown/Tribune. Related stories are in the Patch and Southland Voice.

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