From Resilient Chicago; please share with municipal personnel:
Urban Flood Management through No Adverse Impact and Green Infrastructure Workshop
When: July 8, 2015 (9 AM – 4:30 PM) Where: Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Loyola University (6347 North Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, IL 60660) Register here.
Overview: This Resilient Chicago workshop will focus on actions local governments can take to address the issue of urban flooding in the greater Chicago metropolitan area. At this free one-day workshop, local government staff and other interested professionals will learn how they can better prepare for flooding by: Applying the No Adverse Impact (NAI) framework for floodplain management Fully integrating green infrastructure into community planning efforts Target Audience: Local government staff – municipal/county (e.g., planners, engineers, public works, sustainability, parks and recreation, floodplain/stormwater managers) and other interested professionals (e.g., consultants, non-profits) This workshop is pending approval for 6 CM credits through APA and 6 CEC’s through ASFPM.
Workshop Presenters/Partners: Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM), Metropolitan Planning Council, City of Chicago Department of Water Management, City of Blue Island, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Loyola University Institute for Environmental Sustainability, American Planning Association-Chicago Metro Section