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GSU hopes Rauner will back off proposed cuts

Dr. Elaine P. Maimon at a September 2014 Science and Technology Wing ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Dr. Elaine P. Maimon at a September 2014 GSU Science and Technology Wing ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Cuts in funding for higher education proposed by Gov. Bruce Rauner would be detrimental to the state’s future, Governors State University President Elaine P. Maimon said Tuesday, and she has invited Rauner and his staff to tour the campus in University Park and see what the university has accomplished the past few years, she said.

GSU became a four-year university this school year, and the number of credit hours taught at the school has increased by 10.4 percent over five years, the highest growth rate in the state for a public university, Maimon said.

Rauner has proposed cutting public university spending by 31.5 percent, which would be $7.8 million of the $24.6 million GSU is getting from the state…Please click here to read Angela Denk’s story in the Tribune/Daily Southtown, or here for a related press release.

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