It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of former SSMMA President and Hazel Crest Mayor Robert B. Donaldson. We send our sincerest condolences to his wife, Barbara, daughter, Robyn, and the entire Donaldson family as well as the Village of Hazel Crest. He passed away on Dec. 29, 2018 at the age of 78. Dr. Donaldson served as SSMMA’s president from 2012 through 2013.
By the end of his career at Governors State University, Dr. Donaldson retired from 34 years of service as a professor at the College of Business and Public Administration, as well as many years as the GSU Director of the Master of Public Administration Program (MPA) and Master Thesis Projects and Practicum Program. He was known as a man on a mission to inspire his students, faculty colleagues, neighbors and citizens of Hazel Crest to become more intimately involved in the political processes that govern our collective lives. He was also known for going out of his way to help students, residents and neighbors find jobs, make civic contributions to the community and make better lives for us all. He was elected mayor of Hazel Crest in 2005 and re-elected in 2009. Prior to that, he was elected as Hazel Crest Village Trustee in 1989.
His service and burial will be in Florida. A memorial service will be held in our area at a later date. Details will follow when they become available.