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Employment opportunity: Cook County & SSMMA Community Economic Development and Outreach Manager

Position Summary: The South Suburban Economic Growth Initiative seeks an experienced Community  Economic Development and Outreach Manager to support Phase 2 of its efforts to increase prosperity in 34 municipalities in southern Cook County. This person will play a key role in the core project team, participating in the development of concrete, implementable initiatives to transform the South Suburbs, with a primary focus on engaging local and regional stakeholders in the public, private and civic sectors; and managing the project’s committees and working groups.

BACKGROUND: South Suburban Economic Growth Initiative Spearheaded by Cook County Board President Preckwinkle, the South Suburban Economic Growth Initiative (SSEGI) aims to revive prosperity in the county’s South Suburbs. The project team was assembled by the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development and is comprised of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Civic Consulting Alliance, Mass Economics and RW Ventures, LLC. The Chicago Community Trust and the MacArthur Foundation provided generous financial support. Please click here to read more or to download the full job posting.

Application Process and Deadline: Please send cover letter, résumé (not to exceed 5 pages) and full contact information by October 30, 2017 to Kristi DeLaurentiis, Executive Director of SSMMA, at

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