As part of CMAP’s efforts to collect data on all Federal-aid local jurisdiction roads in the CMAP region, a pilot program was established to offer engineering services to municipalities and townships that will either initiate or update a local pavement management system. A pavement management plan can assists agencies to find the most cost-effective way to address pavement needs and achieve pavement condition targets. Municipalities or townships may apply and an engineering firm selected by CMAP will provide the necessary services to complete a pavement management plan (PMP). The PMP will provide the public agency a document that describes the importance and types of pavement preservation, the current condition of pavement, scenarios evaluating the cost to meet different network level pavement conditions, and develop a capital plan based on the selected pavement condition/spending scenario. The PMP will help communicate to decision makers and the public the importance of pavement preservation and what pavement improvement projects to implement that will be the most cost-effective to meet certain pavement condition targets. The public agency will not be responsible for any of the costs associated with the development of the PMP. Click
here for more information or to apply.